How Often Should You Be Using Certain Skin Care Products?
Each morning and night, we look forward to taking care of our skin. But how often should you be using your products? When we notice a product is working for our skin, it may cause us to want to use it multiple times throughout the day. Or on the other hand, if you are super busy you may forget to use your skincare products. But, what is the correct amount?
Certain products should be used about twice a day in order to see an improvement on your skin. You can be generous with your cleanser and moisturizer. If you are using a serum, definitely use it once in the morning before applying makeup. If you are using a toner, this could be saved for night, when your face is going to be completely fresh, clean and free of makeup.
Exfoliating your skin might be your favorite part of your skin care routine, but don’t do it excessively! Exfoliating your skin should happen about two to three times a week. Otherwise, your skin can become overly sensitive.
If you forget to use your skin care products, you may see slow results when it comes to your skin improving. It is important to develop a consistent routine and stick to it!
Your daily skin care routine can become easy with our Essentials Kit!